Monday, November 8, 2010


here we are... and i'm in a particularly sappy mood...

also, i figured that after all the negativity, i should share something a little positive...

a little belated homage to thanksgiving... :)

here's what i'm thankful for:
the amazing group of people in my life... friends, family, people i work with...

i'm thankful for those around me who tolerate me, who check in, who notice when i'm not ok.
those who indulge in my crazy, and have the patience when obsession strikes...(and it strikes often and in magnitudes beyond this universe!)
i'm eternaly grateful for those who've taken me on... have the patience and time and want to nurture me, to set me straight and help me grow. help me evolve and develop. those who coach and those who listen.

 my family, who set me free and have given me the trust to be ok out in the world, far away from their nest.
for everyone in my life who allows me to be me and accept me and love me regardless of my many flaws...

i'm going to end here, b/c this is getting a little too sappy even for my taste. but those who've been mentioned here know who they are, and if you have any doubt, if you're in my life, you've touched me in ways that changed everything for the better.

thank you.

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