Monday, November 22, 2010

paranoia continued.

Dark clouds made it hard for outer space satellites to zoom in on her.  That’s why winter was her secret ally.  Obscured identity made life easier.  Tiny shock waves that created pulse in already dead sack of skin.  Something got in. Despite her precautions.  She was unsafe.  The feeling spread through her like sludge, started at the tip her head and slowly oozed down her face, stopping air.  Then down her shoulders, weighing her further down, immobilizing her arms and hands, and finally cementing her legs in one place. She couldn’t move or think.  Tears welled in her eyes she was debilitated by overwhelming fear and panic.  Brick wall. Brick wall. Brick wall. If she said it enough or thought it enough, she would be able to seal her mind in a strong cocoon of bricks.  Her head felt heavy, like a bag of rotten apples. The sweet and ugly smell of bad fruit engulfed her. She collapsed to the floor and for a small eternity was catatonic.  Unable to move or breathe; panic swept her again, it came in nauseating waves that were devastating.  If she stayed still maybe it would go away; it would stop and search for another brain to devour. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something nice; a different plane of existence someplace full of solace and peace. She tried to smile.  But didn’t remember how.

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