Tuesday, June 28, 2011

i'm going crazy, a little every day; and now everything i wanted is now driving me away...

After the hurricane all that remains are the broken pieces of my soul.  With your threats. With your words. With the essence of your being. Earthquakes shake me to my very core and everything shifts aside. I shift aside. I'm on the sidelines. From where I'm standing I can't even see the end. Words that spill out of me like oil that contaminates the ocean. I contaminate life around me. Surrounded by dead fish.

Sometimes I think you're trying to beat my humanity out of me. Inch by inch. Drop by drop you drain me of blood. At the end of the day, I'm stranded on this angry island. Tethered to land. Tethered to an idea. I can almost see salvation, I can almost feel it on my fingertips, but it floats away with every word you say. Slipping away, fading memory like on the edge of a dream.

I can't remember how I got here. But it grows.  Manifesting itself in my being like an invisible cancer. The Dr. says I'm not pregnant. Revealing truths that are so obvious.

At night I can't sleep. Brain too wired, too full of nonsense. I'm aware so I am god.

"Once there was a time I believed without hesitation, that the power of love and truth can conquer all in the name of salvation. Tell me what kind of weapon is love when it comes to the fight? And just much protection is truth against all Satan's might?"

I am a lone soldier; fighting for a semblance of sanity. Trying to cling onto the idea of hope. Trying to ignore with all my will the horrible truth that you unleash on me.
"I could only think that if she had been caught in time, had gotten help, released that anger before it destroyed her..."

Will I be caught in time? Or will this hatred consume and destroy me too?

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