Wednesday, September 22, 2010

god, i love my job...

today a resident came in and claimed this woman was his "worker."  i knew he was allowed to have someone up there, but the woman he presented was not the same one he was allowed to take up with him. 

we think she's a sad prostitute (and by we, i mean me).

last week i had to patch a guy's arm... it was SLICED open and gushing blood...

the day before that, i had to deal w/ ems.

never a dull moment... when all is said and done... life's pretty fantastic.

in other new:
my bedroom has finally been redone (after some seriously gross looking water damage).  i had to sleep on my futon for 2 days... and couldn't sleep... and blah...

my house now smells of paint... i need to buy some apple/Cinnamon oil stick things... and get a hair cut.. and a dye job...

i have a 3 day wknd coming and i have NOTHING to do w/ my time...i sense a californication marathon coming on...

and that's it for now.

random quote: the course of true love... gathers no moss...

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