Monday, March 14, 2011

thing behind the sun...

it's funny how there are things that lurk in the back of my brain. things that nag and beg and plead. things that have no name, no emotion. but they're there. always humming some forgotten tune under the buzzing of the brain.

sometimes it feels like a ticking bomb ready to explode... severe all neurons and thoughts.

then that little faerie voice: i've done it before, i can do it again. i'm wiser now. it'll be easier.
and then the horrible what ifs start to cramp my style. like ugly liver stains on my porcelain skin they torture me.
the what ifs of my youth.

and now, in the midst of this quarter life crisis, there's an exit, blocked by security. blocked by familiarity, by settlement.

but my sense of adventure is alive and well. i am determined. i will fulfill my destiny.

"one day i'll fly away, say goodbye to yesterday..."

my moulin rouge awaits.

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