Wednesday, May 11, 2011

silence is golden...

If I am silent then I am not real
If I speak up then no one will hear
If I wear a mask there's somewhere to hide

Silence is golden
I have been broken
Safe in my own skin
So nobody wins

If I raise my voice
Will someone get hurt?
And if I can't feel then I won't get touched
If no truths are spoken then no lies can hide

Silence is golden
I have been broken
Safe in my own skin
So nobody wins

Did you hear me speak
Do you understand
Did you hear my voice
Will you hold my hand
Do you understand me

Won't someone listen
Nobody gets in
My body's a temple
But nothing is simple
Silence is golden
I have been broken
Something was stolen
Safe in my own skin...

S. Manson

Monday, May 9, 2011

too cynical to be happy?

And if I set down this sack of bricks; let this... anger go, then what? Could it be that easy? The reasons are inconsequential to me. It's like being angry at colours. I have no control over their magnitude. I don't control the weather. I'm stubborn, then why do I let you control me? I am the architect of my own happiness. Your decisions don't impact me. Since you don't matter to me, what you think of me, doesn't matter. Those who have embedded themselves in my life are the ones I need to focus on. You are nothing. My anger is limitless, but so is my gratitude. My ability to focus on the positive. You will NOT win this war; the one I waged on you without you knowing. My head is swimming with words. With possibilities. With possible futures. 

But....then again, who am I without this anger, without this cynical streak? Can I still be a queen without the drama?

I think I've been watching too much Sex and the City.

Off to ponder...